About Acupuncture

About Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of over 2,000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) based on the insertion of ultra fine needles into specific points around your body to release energy or 'qi' blockages. According to TCM, our health is dependant on the body's energy flow, known as Qi, moving in a smooth and balanced way along a series of meridians or channels to nourish the tissues in the body. Each meridian corresponds to an organ that controls specific bodily functions, and a free-flowing Qi is necessary for the balance of yin and yang. The flow of Qi can be disturbed by many factors, such as physical, mental and emotional anxiety, stress, anger, fear or grief, poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infections and trauma. Imbalance or blockage of Qi can be described as a dam that backs up the flow in one part of the body and restricts in others, causing disease or pain. Needling specific acupuncture points in acupuncture treatments helps unblock these obstructions and re-establish regular flow along the acupuncture meridians. It corrects imbalances in the digestion, absorption, energy production activities, and energy circulation through the meridians. 
about Acupuncture by Jennie Chews Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
about Acupuncture by Jennie Chews Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
Science has proven that these needles stimulate your body to release endorphins and opoids in the body which are natural pain killers or they trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones to influence the body's internal regulating system. By inserting fine needles into this energy channel, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body's own healing response by means of improved energy and biochemical balance to restore its natural balance. In China, Acupuncture has been used successfully as an anaesthetic during open heart surgery. 

Though scientifically proven as effective means for general pain relief, the World Health Organisation of the U.N. identifies over 40 conditions that acupuncture successfully treats. Studies are released every month in professional journals all over the world describing new uses. They have shown that Acupuncture is effective in a wide range of illness such as headache, migraines, unexplained aches and pains, digestive problems, asthma, hayfever, stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety, amongst others. 
Acupuncture is about maintaining health and management of disease. It focuses on improving the overall wellbeing of the patient, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms. The skill of an acupuncturist lies in their ability to make a traditional diagnosis from a complex pattern of disharmony, unique to each individual, concluding in a personalised treatment plan. Therefore, no two treatments are the same. 

Acupuncture is now commonly used all over the world with recognition from Medical Professional experts. It has been well documented in Today's World of Modern Medicine. In China , Acupuncture is very much integrated into Western Medicine with great success in the prevention of acute diseases before it becomes chronic.
about Acupuncture by Jennie Chews Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
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