Introducing your baby to Massage for developmental growth
Learn to massage your own baby!
Touch is the newborn's first language - it is her prime means of communication and plays an essential role in the forming of early parent-child relationships. Massaging your baby allows you to express emotional affection and to fulfil your baby's need for physical contact. The benefits of massage are both emotional and physical, so your baby will achieve all round well-being.
"Being held, touched and caressed is like food to the baby, food as necessary as minerals, vitamins and protein."
Frederick Leboyer 'Loving Hands'
It is an honour to have been trained by Peter Walker, recognised as the UK's leading teacher of baby massage, Peter is a physical therapist and yoga teacher since the 1970's and has specialised for the past 20 years in working with children, from birth to adolescence. He has developed some unique techniques and pioneered the practice of Baby Massage and Soft Gymnastics for babies and toddlers. Training with Peter, I am well qualified to teach mothers to massage their own babies for development growth.
Massage is an excellent way for parents to give their babies the best possible start in life. Massage is medicine, and the most powerful massage that your baby will ever receive is during the prolonged contractions of birth itself. By continuing this physical stimulation, you assist in your baby's development.
Baby massage promotes the healthy development of a young baby, from age two months to sitting up. The massages are designed to sustain suppleness, aid babies' breathing and circulation and relax both their bodies and minds. Playful routines actively assist babies in opening up their joints and aid digestion, flexibility, balance, posture and all-round good health. A baby's advancement into toddlerhood is guided through the landmark stages of sitting, crawling, standing and walking. Good balance and good posture are promoted in these formative years through massage.
Key benefits
- Closeness and contentment between mother and baby
- Fosters mutual trust and understanding, and develops your confidence in your ability to handle your baby.
- Learning how and where your baby likes to be stroke
- Making your baby feel protected and loved
- Strengthening the physical and emotional bond between father and baby,
- Nurturing your baby's feelings of security
- It aids your baby's digestion. It can relieve colic and constipation
- It can stimulate your baby's immune system and circulation, both of which are immature at birth
- Regular massage reduces the circulation of cortisol in the bloodstream, a stress hormone - this reduction is constant and maintained between massage sessions.
- Massage stimulates the release of the body's natural opiates-endorphins- which subdue pain. Together with the reduction of cortisol, this induces general feeling of well-being throughout your baby's body
- As you massage your baby, you also maintain eye-contact, kissing, stroking and vocalising, which encourage closeness in a relationship. Massaging your baby promotes attachment.
- It is the perfect preparation for co-ordinated movement and mobility and is a natural response to your baby's inherent need for tactile stimulation.
Give your baby the best start in life today, by learning how to massage your baby with skill and confidence !!