Massage & Aromatherapy | Balinese Massage

Massage & Aromatherapy | Balinese Massage

Massage and aromatherapy by Jennie Chew Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
Balinese Massage
Balinese massage is generally performed by channelling energy and working through intuition. The fundamental techniques that contributes to the well being of the client have been handed down through generations to balance the body and restore vitality.
Compression massage will ease the tissues (release wind often trapped in the body) before the energy lines are cleared and the circulation and lymphatic system is boosted. Half the massage is done dry and then essential oils or coconut oil and ginger is applied to work deep into the muscle tissues. The main energy lines and meridians are cleared. 

This is a powerful massage that will leave you uplifted and recharged and is an effective way to release stress. You will feel the difference. The most important difference is that this will be a life force massage and not just a muscular treatment, rebalancing the body's energy and spirit. It's not therapy, it's medicine, drawn on the many technique of the east, especially Bali.
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