Massage & Aromatherapy | Daoyin-Tao

Massage & Aromatherapy | Daoyin-Tao

Massage and aromatherapy by Jennie Chew Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
Trained with Daoyin Tao originater and pioneer - Anna-Louise Haigh

What is Daoyin Tao?
East and West have come together to form a new and powerful holistic healing therapy. Daoyin Tao, originated by Anna-Louise Haigh, is a subtle synergy of ancient Chinese and modern western massage techniques, adapted and blended to create a widely applicable method that can help to release trapped energy, thus allowing the body to start healing itself from within, often at the deepest levels.
Daoyin Tao is based on techniques which feature in the traditional Chinese medicine used in China's hospitals and clinics today.

Although initially developed to ease sinus and migraine conditions, Daoyin Tao is an effective treatment for a range of health problems. Ultimately it is a totally holistic therapy which reaches the recipient's areas and levels of need, offering deep relaxation, revitalisation, rebalancing and rejuvenation.

What is its history?
Daoyin Tao is the original form of two common activities : Tai chi and Qigong. Daoyin has a recorded history of over 2,000 years and involved a series of standing exercise which were intended to balance and harmonise health a well as improve circulation, muscle flexibility, strength and immunity. The activity of daoyin involved moving the standing body in a way that encouraged a deep internal massage of the organs (without touching them) as time evolved, Daoyin become associated with massage to help the whole body.

One translation in the Mandarin dialect for Daoyin Tao is 'study the soft way'. In this case the 'soft way' is in comparison to the traditional deep and dynamic force used in Tui Na(the traditional form of Chinese massage) The word Tao is a commonly used word in relation to eastern attitudes and is understood to mean 'the way'. of the universe, of life, of being. It represents 'going with the flow' of being oneself yet learning to listen to one's inner guides and intuition. It reflects self-development and using one's innate knowledge to benefit others. In the context of Daoyin Tao, the essence of Daoyin is combined with the understanding of Tao to reflect a therapeutic approach that unites the therapist and the therapy.

How does Daoyin Tao benefit me ?
Along with its de-stressing and revitalising effects, DYT relieves pain, discomfort and congestion, and works well on sinus and migraine problems. Other conditions found to benefit include : headache, eye problems, tinnitus, eczema in the ear, ear blockages, whiplash, tension in the neck and shoulder, stress affecting thinking and emotional balance, frozen shoulder, stiffness in the neck and shoulder, catarrh and dizziness.

Experience of working with clients has been that Daoyin Tao can:
  • rebalance body rhythms
  • reduce stress
  • decongest and detoxify
  • alleviate pain
  • reduce stiffness and muscle tension
  • positively influence secondary conditions elsewhere in the body
  • provide support to all levels of holistic healing
  • provide lasting benefits.

How is Daoyin Tao different?
- Daoyin tao draws its therapeutic value from a fusion of Eastern and Western massage skills.
- It utilises the meridians and acupoints common to several well known therapies to generate deep holistic healing within the body
- It is more than a physical therapy and works deeper than an individual energy approach.

How it is done?
It begins with a full consultation to identify the client's health needs and areas where specific attention can be given. The client undresses to the waist and lies on the massage table,covered with warm towels. The treatment (usually given in 30 mins sessions) can be beneficial with or without other therapies.

The treatment begins with a neck and shoulder massage using a mixture of slow strokes combined with small circular movements over particular points, thus helping to release tension in the neck and back. From there, the neck receives a combination of loosening and lengthening techniques designed to release tension, stiffness and pain in the cervical and occipital region. It is at this stage that recipients often report warm relaxing sensations reaching as far as their toes. The treatment is a combination of soothing sweeping and linking techniques; work on specific areas and acupoints on the face and head is treated in a particular way to generate the therapeutic effect. Although there are many therapies which utilises pressure points techniques, Daoyin Tao distinguishes itself by working deeper and quicker through the synergistic blend of techniques that is adjusted to meet the needs of the individual for each treatment.

Feeling is Believing!
At the end of the half hour treatment, clients feel rejuvenated, similar to waking up from a very deep sleep, while others have a sensation of feeling light and floating. Due to the holistic nature of the treatment, the responses reflect a whole body experience and a sense of inner healing is often expressed. Because of its holistic effect, many clients comment that they see colours or images during the treatment - these may be indicators where the healing is being directed or what areas of their life need attention.

How many treatments do I need?
Clients tend to respond well to the therapy relatively quickly. In most cases, clients are aware of a difference in two to three treatments, on a weekly basis. After these results become evident, the treatments are reduced to twice monthly., progress monitored and after two sessions on this basis, the recipient usually chooses to have a monthly maintenance treatment.
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