Massage & Aromatherapy | Pregnancy Massage

Massage & Aromatherapy | Pregnancy Massage

Massage and aromatherapy by Jennie Chew Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
Aromatherapy and Pregnancy
Congratulations!! You have just found out you are pregnant. The adverts tend to tell us all that it will be a time when we bloom and feel wonderful, however while this is the case for some of the time, it is also the time when your body is going through huge hormonal changes - and therefore not everyone will feel on top of the world 100% of the time.
Finding out that you are pregnant can bring on a whole range of mixed emotions from euphoria to instant panic. No matter how much your baby is wanted it is going to create changes not only to your life, but also to your body.

Your body will go through many changes - your skin, your hair, digestive system, suffering from morning sickness and nausea and becoming weighted down in the last few months. Your skin produces more sebum, which may cause it to become greasy and flaky. Hair can become lank and lifeless. However it's not all bad, your skin may glow and your hair may the thickest and loveliest that it has ever been.

A great many women experience some lower back pain as their pregnancy advances. This is due not only to the increasing weight of the baby, but to the changing shape of their own bodies and the way this increases the lower curve of the spine. Gentle exercises could prove beneficial, however massage with essential oils will give tremendous relief from pain and help to tone the muscles that are carrying the increased load. Obviously, as the baby grows, it will not be possible for the mother to lie on her stomach, however other positions are available that provide an opportunity for complete massage.

Aromatherapy massage can be extremely beneficial during pregnancy, especially during the last few months. It is important to seek the advice of a qualified aromatherapist when wishing to use essential oils during pregnancy, as there are several oils that are unsuitable. For most women, aromatherapy can be used safely and effectively after the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, however if this is your first pregnancy, or if you have had any problems during previous pregnancies, your aromatherapist may ask you to check with your midwife or doctor before treatment. Babies whose mothers have received regular massage throughout their pregnancies are generally very peaceful when they are born.

Some of the ways in which aromatherapy can help you enjoy your pregnancy are:
  • It can help you deal with stress and aid relaxation
  • It can ease the aches and pains your body experiences as your pregnancy progresses
  • It can help alleviate tiredness
  • It can help reduce stretch marks by keeping the skin well nourished.
  • It helps you feel good about yourself during and after your pregnancy
  • It can provide relief from minor ailments, such as varicose veins that you may experience during and after pregnancy
  • It helps you keeping touch with your body
  • It can help you get back in shape faster after childbirth -physically, mentally and emotionally.

General tips for healthy pregnancy
  • Avoid all fats, alcohol, cigarette smoke and processed orange juice
  • Reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine affects the body's ability to absorb vitamin B and C, zinc, potassium and other minerals that you need during pregnancy
  • Take Vitamin B complex and additional Vitamin B6 and magnesium during pregnancy as they help control morning sickness. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 and magnesium include Brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds, soya seeds, brown rice, walnuts, bananas, salmon, tuna, chicken and wheatgerm
  • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to help reduce fluid retention
  • Eat plenty of raw vegetables to help ease constipation
  • Mothers suffering from morning sickness should eat small, frequent meals and snack on wholegrain crackers.
  • Herb ginger taken in capsule form or freshly grated and drunk as tea helps to reduce nausea
  • 4-5 drops of spearmint and/or ginger essential oils may be used as an inhalation and this will help keep the stomach calm.
  • Regular exercises can help prepare your body for childbirth. Go walking or swimming, or take a gentle yoga or low-impact aerobics class. Exercise will also reduce your chances of developing varicose veins
  • Ease backache by lying flat on your back, with your legs bent at the knees and supported by a chair. Rest for at least 20 minutes - this will also help alleviate fluid retention
  • Drink raspberry leaf tea during your third trimester to prepare your uterus for labour. Use one teaspoon of raspberry leaf in a cup of boiling water, and allow to steep for 20 minutes. Raspberry leaf contains vitamin A, C, B, G and E, as well as calcium, phosphorous and iron.
  • During the last eight weeks of your pregnancy, massage jojoba oil into your perineum daily to help prepare it for stretching during labour. This will help prevent or reduce tearing.
The following recipes are safe, enjoyable and easy enough to blend at home, and will certainly make a difference in the way you feel. Combine these remedies with activities that you enjoy, such as walking, massage, reading etc. Not only will your baby benefit from your uplifted spirits, but daddy will too !!!

Essential oils are extremely concentrated. They need to be diluted before use. A common dilution for aromatherapy blends during pregnancy is 1-2%, which equals to 4 drops essential oils to 20 mls carrier oils. For massage, add each blend below to 20 mls of grapeseed base oil. For problems such as backaches, indigestion or general aggravation, here is a marvellous remedy which can be massaged into your back by a partner or friend on a regular basis which will alleviate physical symptoms as well as uplifting your spirit. Lavender : 2 drops Geranium : 1 drop Roman chamomile : 1 drop 

Relaxation blend Lavender : 2 drops Neroli : 2 drops 

Stretch marks Lavender : 2 rops Neroli or mandarin : 2 drops As well as receiving regular treatments from the therapist, mothers should also apply these massage oils onto her tummy from 4 months onward to help prevent/reduce stretch marks. 

Sweet dreams Orange : 1 drop Lavender : 1 drop Put a drop of each essential oil onto a handkerchief or cotton ball and place it between your pillow and pillow case. If you like orange, you will also like bergamot, mandarin, tangerine or neroli. If you are feeling nausea Peppermint ; 2 drops Ginger ; 2 drops Add these in a bowl of hot water or vaporiser or simply put a drop of each onto your pillow. 

Aromatherapy baths can be enjoyable right through the pregnancy, and in fact, can be one of the mother's greatest luxuries in the form of relaxation. The above blend can be used safely. Add any of the above blends in a teaspoon of jojoba oil before adding them to the bath water. Mix well before getting in.
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