Massage & Aromatherapy | Wellness Areas

Massage & Aromatherapy | Wellness Areas

Massage and aromatherapy by Jennie Chew Essence of Healing in Grays, Thurrock
It is important to look at the causes of stress, which can lead to a wide range of problems, from insomnia to heart disease.

Physical factors
  • Lack of exercise results in stiffness, poor circulation, poor stamina, and low energy
  • Tension leads to insomnia, which in turn leaves you tired and preoccupied the next day and possibly having difficulty in sleeping the next night
  • Rushed meals and a bad diet can lead to both digestive problems and low vitality.

Environmental factors
Road rage in all its many manifestations and the stress that comes from public transport delays are traumatic. Remember that all the upsets you brush aside each day can come back to haunt you in the form of stress and its related illnesses.

Emotional factors
  • Personal relationships can, sadly, be a great cause of stress, from the smallest domestic tiff to a divorce or children leaving home
  • Bereavement can cause a huge amount of grief and stress.

Mental factors
  • Money, or the lack of it, is the reason many people drive themselves too hard and spend too long at work. Like any other form of stress, this can deplete your body’s resources and lead to illness.
  • Job insecurity and dissatisfaction can be a major cause of stress, as can the struggle to get a job at all.
In an effort to combat the problems of stress, many people turn to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or overeating which lead to unhealthy consequences.
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